Reasons Your Website Needs Rebranding and Maintenance

Here’s why it’s essential to make sure that your clients regularly maintain their sites to get the most out of their site’s functionality and design features.

1. Seamless User Experience

Keeping an internet site fresh and free of errors is critical for a positive user experience. Websites are getting increasingly complex, and user expectations are increasing. Keeping an internet site up-to-date will help your clients keep their users engaged and happy.

Posting new, trending content and updating products regularly will keep your clients’ brands within the limelight, and their website visitors will always be interested in something new. A superb example of something like this is Mashable: they are well known for posting informative content regularly, and as a result, they need over 10 million monthly visitors (according to Ubersuggest). If your clients are trying to find ways to turn visitors into loyal customers, regular website maintenance is an important factor to consider!


2. Maintain Customer Confidence and Trust


Since website design is usually one of the first impressions, customers have for any business, having a poorly maintained website can damage your client’s reputation. A good website makeover can be a visual representation of your client’s company values, and it’s a perfect canvas to position their brand in front of potential customers. You’ll also use uptime monitoring tools to track website crashes and ensure that your client’s website is accessible to visitors at all times.


3. Decreased Risk of Errors


When your client builds a replacement website, it’s common to initially have a minimum of a few errors on their site. You'll decrease mistakes by resolving them. These sorts of errors can make their website look unprofessional and sloppy.

With a website mockup generator from an experienced web designer or development team like yourself, your clients can maintain an error-free website and stop any severe security issues from occurring on their sites.


 4. Improved Program Performance


If an internet site doesn’t receive regular maintenance, it'll be less likely to appear at the top of search engine results to the customers looking for a specific product or service. When your client’s website is listed on page two or further during a search result, it can mean visitors don’t find their business in the least — which translates into lost sales.

The bottom line: advise your clients to avoid ignoring minor problems with their website, as this might lead to significant financial losses.

Maintaining a blog may be a great way to stay in touch with customers, and frequently posting new content shows Google that your client’s site has relevant information to share. It also results in more visitors and more potential customers. Articles will help your client to increase visitor engagement and traffic.


5. Strengthen Online Reputation


SEO is very important for a website to grow business. Additionally, if your clients invest in good content regularly and don't let it languish, this may ensure that their sites are continually optimized for search engines.

For example, If you suggest your client update old content with new content or post new articles regularly it will increase engagement on a website. In case, the site’s content will contain up-to-date, relevant facts when customers perform searches associated with those topics. You’ll also want to recommend incorporating different types of content like blogs, videos, and infographics; share those on social media platforms to stay visitors engaged.


6. Improved Website Speed


Nobody likes expecting a website to load. Whether or not your client has some stellar information or products on their site, slow page-load times can make visitors abandon their cart before it’s even loaded. To hurry up their site, it's vital to identify what issues are causing it to slow down.

Many factors affect website performance, including file size, web server reaction time, database queries per second, total requests made per second, and more. Thankfully, you'll do plenty of things to optimize performance, like reducing image sizes, minifying scripts, and mixing CSS files. This ongoing process may be a vital part of your clients’ maintenance.

By optimizing their site, including keeping the software installation up-to-date and cleaning out images and media files, your clients’ can make sure that users access their website quickly. Conversely, slow websites can make your clients look unprofessional and price them money in terms of lost conversions.


7. Increased Website Security


Maintaining websites regularly helps keep security vulnerabilities cornered, protecting sites from possible hacking attempts and unauthorized access. It's crucial to make them realize the importance of routine maintenance to ensure optimum website security.

 • Set strong passwords — change them frequently — use different passwords for each platform;

 • Update software to remain current with the latest features — check for updates weekly or monthly;

 • Check all the pages and functionalities and patch open holes or update unspecified plugins.




Website maintenance is integral to keeping websites running smoothly and searching great. Protecting your clients’ websites from security risks is important to ensure that their visitors have a positive experience when they visit their site.

If your clients aren't currently performing regular website maintenance, we highly recommend that you simply convince them to start as soon as possible. Not only will it help keep their website looking great, but it'll also help you ensure that their site is functioning correctly and securely.


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